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The field of research is expansive and ever evolving--and this holds true for the field of education as well. Remaining up-to-date on current findings in the education field is vital for informed practices. The research and legislation included on this page is specific to my scope of practice. Therefore, the resources here touch upon the Science of Reading, Structured literacy, and legislation which focuses on general education and literacy. 

Teacher Research

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The Science of Reading is an interdisciplinary, evidence-based body of knowledge about the pedagogy and practices used to teach reading and writing. 

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Science of Reading

The Simple View of Reading


Language Comprehension



Reading Comprehension

The Brain & Reading Difficulties:

Explore a technology supported transcript of Sally Shaywitz discussing her research on the brain and dyslexia. If interested in exploring Shaywitz' work further, I recommend starting with her book Overcoming Dyslexia

Listen to Dr. Stanislas Dehaene talk about his research on reading in the brain.

Education To-Knows

Federal Level:


National Reading Panel:

The Big 5

Congress appointed the National Reading Panel to review reading research and determine the most effective methods for reading instruction. They concluded that there were 5 essential components: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, & Comprehension. These components became the basis of NCLBA.


Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the nation's legislation which gives rights to and protects students with disabilities. IDEA requires schools to provides students with disabilities free appropriate public education in a least restrictive environment as much as possible. This law also provides parents with procedural safeguards, which are specific rights and protections. 


Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was previously known as the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLBA). As the reauthorization of NCLBA, the purpose of ESSA is to provide all students significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps.

State Level:


Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development (READ) Act

The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development (READ) Act of 2012 focuses on the literacy development of ages kindergarten through third grade, with any students not reading at grade level will be given a READ plan. 

Personal Research

My personal research interests lie in the emotional, social, and behavioral aspects of learning disabilities. My area of focus is narrowed to focus on specific learning disabilities and dyslexia. My graduate research reconceptualized reading disabilities through a biopsychosocial framework of disability


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